Illinois may lift historic ban on building nuclear power plants as state continues transition from coal and gas

Already home to more nuclear power plants than any state in the nation, Illinois is on the verge of lifting a nearly four-decade-old ban on building reactors as the state transitions from coal and natural gas. The move comes as other states have rescinded similar bans and policymakers are taking a fresh look at nuclear …

T.CCO Releases 2022 ESG Report

Cameco (TSX: CCO; NYSE: CCJ) released its 2022 Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Report today. The report illustrates Cameco’s integration of ESG principles and practices in its overall strategy and day-to-day operations, including 2022 performance metrics and feature stories highlighting the company’s ESG commitments and targets. In this report, Cameco has incorporated relevant Sustainability Accounting Standards …

Korea reacts to nuclear demand with plans for 10 overseas plants

The fourth and last unit of the Barakah nuclear reactor in the United Arab Emirates built by Korean companies [KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION] Korea is looking to become a powerhouse in nuclear power plant exports with government plans to export 10 nuclear plants by 2030. Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Romania are potential candidates …

Belgium and Engie agree on nuclear reactor extensions

Belgium has reached an agreement with operator Engie (ENGIE.PA) to extend the use of the country’s nuclear reactors by 10 years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine prompted Belgium’s governing coalition to rethink plans to rely more on natural gas. Belgium was to have exited nuclear power entirely by 2025, but will now extend the lives of its …

V.ISO Announces the Settlement of a Portion of Interest Payment in Shares

IsoEnergy Ltd. (“IsoEnergy” or the “Company“) (TSXV: ISO) (OTCQX: ISENF) has agreed to settle a portion of the interest payments due to Queen’s Road Capital Investment Ltd. (“QRC”) (TSXV: QRC) as at June 30, 2023 in Common Shares. Pursuant to the unsecured convertible debenture dated August 18, 2020 between QRC and the Company (the “2020 QRC Debenture”), as at June 30, 2023, …

EU countries eye tighter subsidies in hunt for energy market deal

European Union countries are considering stricter limits on state aid for power plants in an upcoming revamp of Europe’s electricity market, after disagreements between Germany and France over the issue sunk a deal last week. EU energy ministers failed to agree the reforms last week, after countries including Germany, Austria and Luxembourg opposed plans to …

The EDF Group files requests for authorisations to build the first pair of EPR2 reactors on the Penly site

EDF is engaged in the authorisation procedures required for the launch of the construction of the first pair of EPR2 reactors at Penly, as well as the administrative procedures for its completion and its link-up to the electricity grid. EDF’s target is to start preparatory work mid-2024. Following the analysis of the results of the …

Sanmen plant to supply steam to industrial park

A memorandum of cooperation has been signed for the Sanmen nuclear power plant in China’s Zhejiang province to supply steam to the Rongsheng Taizhou New Material project. It will be the country’s largest nuclear energy steam supply project. The memorandum was signed on 21 June by China National Nuclear Power Corporation (CNNC) subsidiary Sanmen Nuclear …

Framatome, EDF sign agreement to test PROtect enhanced accident tolerant fuel in French reactor

Framatome signed a collaboration agreement with EDF to test its enhanced accident tolerant fuel (EATF) technology in an operating nuclear power plant in France. As part of its PROtect EATF program, Framatome will manufacture and deliver four lead fuel assemblies (LFAs) that will be inserted in one of the EDF’s reactors in 2023.     Supported by the …