France chooses Rhône site to build two EPR reactors

The French government, which last year announced its intention of adding eight EPR reactors to the national fleet before 2027, has chosen Bugey nuclear power station as the site of two of them. The choice was between Bugey, which is sited near Lyon on the River Rhône, and Tricastin in the Drôme region, about 50km north of …

Studies explore use of nuclear propulsion in shipping

A study commissioned by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has explored the potential of advanced nuclear reactor technology for commercial marine propulsion, whilst a study led by UK-based innovative reactor developer Newcleo will consider the feasibility of nuclear applications to the shipping industry, including the firm’s small modular lead-cooled fast reactor technology. ABS commissioned …

TVEL puts case at conference for TVS-K performance

Specialists from Rosatom’s TVEL have told an international nuclear fuel conference that the Russian-designed TVS-K fuel for Western-design pressurised water reactors (PWRs) had demonstrated “excellent behaviour under commercial operating conditions”. TVEL started PWR fuel fabrication at Novosibirsk in 2021 and says its modified versions of its TVS-K fuel is “the only nuclear fuel on the …

Kozloduy applies to use Westinghouse fuel in unit 5

The Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency said it has received an application requesting the issuance of a permit for the use of Westinghouse-manufactured VVER-1000 fuel in unit 5 of the country’s Kozloduy nuclear power plant. Westinghouse has signed a decade-long contract to supply fuel for the reactor. The regulator said the application submitted by the plant …

Georgia Power takes next step for Vogtle 4

Georgia Power says that all 364 inspections, tests and analyses have been performed and all acceptance criteria, known as ITAACs, have been met on Vogtle unit 4 and the documentation submitted to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The ITAACs – Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria – must all be verified before fuel can …

Russian designs for underwater nuclear power plant in Arctic

A project for a submersible underwater power module, featuring two nuclear power units with a total capacity of 20 MWe, that can dive to a depth of 400 metres and provide energy in Arctic regions is being worked on by the Malakhit Marine Engineering Bureau in St Petersburg, Russia. Strana Rosatom, the Russian nuclear corporation’s …

Major module installed at Haiyang 4

The largest and heaviest module – the CA20 – has been installed at unit 4 of the Haiyang nuclear power plant in China’s Shandong province, the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI) has announced. The cuboid-shaped CA20 module comprises plant and equipment for used fuel storage, transmission, the heat exchanger and waste collection, …