News that Kazakhstan intends to extend production reductions through 2021 sparked a return to buying interest in both the spot and term uranium markets last week. -Kazatomprom extends production cuts -Market interest returns after a dead August to date -No new Japanese restarts in 2019 “Kazatomprom does not expect to return to full production until …
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has certified the Korean-designed Advanced Power Reactor 1400 (APR-1400). The certificate states that the NRC finds the design fully meets US safety requirements. Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) and its subsidiary Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) originally submitted the design to the NRC in September 2013. They then …
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. is considering a plan to decommission some of the No. 1 to No. 5 reactors at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in central Japan, on condition that its newer No. 6 and No. 7 reactors are allowed to resume operations, President Tomoaki Kobayakawa said Monday. Kobayakawa unveiled the plan …
NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX: NXE, NYSE MKT: NXE) is pleased to announce that an exploration drill program consisting of a minimum 4,000 m is scheduled to begin in early September at our 100% owned, SW1 property (approximately 10 km northwest of Rook I), in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan. SW1 Overview Since the …
Such diversification means it is fully complying with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency to have at least two suppliers of nuclear fuel. Energoatom and Cameco this week signed a memorandum of cooperation and understanding as part of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant operator’s strategy to diversify its nuclear fuel supply. Energoatom, which …
None of the six Japanese nuclear reactors that have been cleared to restart by regulators are expected to become operational this year because of local opposition and delayed safety measures, in a setback to the nation’s energy policy. In addition, four of the nine nuclear reactors restarted under tougher safety standards put in place after the …
Japan’s nuclear operators are starting to sell some of their huge holdings of uranium fuel, as chances fade of restarting many more reactors eight years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The sales so far have been small, but were made at values well below their purchase price and are likely to further depress the already …
To blame or not to blame the performance of South Korea’s power generator on the anti-nuclear power policy? This question has emerged yet again following news of Korea Electric Power Corp.’s quarterly loss last week. State-owned Kepco said its operating loss reached 298.6 billion won ($248 million) in the second quarter, following its worst-ever first-quarter …
JSC National Atomic Company Kazatomprom announced today its intention to continue to flex down production by 20% through 2021, compared to the planned levels under Subsoil Use Contracts, its press service said. The company will now begin working with joint venture partners to assess the impact and implement the plan across all of Kazakhstan’s uranium …
Britain’s plan to revitalize its aging nuclear energy infrastructure is likely to take a hit if Brexit jeopardizes a crucial supply of welders. The skilled workers have been in short supply for years, a strain that will likely worsen as new nuclear projects are built. About 13% of Britain’s welders come from other countries in …