Ur‐Energy Inc. (NYSE American:URG) (TSX: URE) (“Ur‐Energy” or the “Company”) has filed the Company’s Form 10‐Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2018, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml and Canadian securities authorities on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
Ur-Energy Chair and CEO, Jeffrey Klenda said, “Our strategy to limit development and supplement production with cost effective purchases allowed us to again increase our inventory position, which now stands at nearly 330,000 pounds of finished product with a current market value of over $9.0 million. This readily salable inventory, combined with our strong cash position and solid book of 2019 purchase and sale contracts, puts us in an enviable position as we await the outcome of the Section 232 Trade Action process.”
Lost Creek Uranium Production and Sales
Inventory, production and sales figures for the Lost Creek Project are presented in the following tables:

The cost of sales includes ad valorem and severance taxes related to the extraction of uranium, all costs of wellfield, plant and site operations including the related depreciation and amortization of capitalized assets, reclamation and mineral property costs, plus product distribution costs. These costs are also used to value inventory and the resulting inventoried cost per pound is compared to the estimated sales prices based on the contracts or spot sales anticipated for the distribution of the product. Any costs in excess of the calculated market value are charged to cost of sales.
Equity Financing
In September, the Company announced a US$10 million public offering of common shares. The offering of 12,195,122 common shares and accompanying warrants to purchase up to 6,097,561 common shares, at a combined public offering price of $0.82 per common share and accompanying warrant, closed on September 25, 2018. Ur-Energy also granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to 1,829,268 additional common shares and warrants to purchase up to an aggregate of 914,634 common shares on the same terms. The 30-day option period has now expired. The underwriters exercised a portion of their option to purchase additional securities at closing, acquiring 867,756 additional warrants to purchase an aggregate of 433,878 common shares. The underwriters made no further exercise of the option to purchase additional securities after closing. Including the partial exercise of the option at closing, Ur-Energy issued a total of 12,195,122 common shares and 13,062,878 warrants to purchase up to 6,531,439 common shares. Net proceeds from the offering were approximately $9.2 million. We anticipate that proceeds from the offering will be used to maintain and enhance operational readiness; additionally, proceeds may be used for working capital and general corporate purposes.
Continuing Guidance for 2018
At the end of the third quarter of 2018, the average spot price of U3O8, as reported by Ux Consulting Company, LLC and TradeTech, LLC, had increased to approximately $27.50 per pound. Market fundamentals have not changed sufficiently to warrant further development of Mine Unit Two. We anticipate meeting our projected production level of 250,000 to 300,000 pounds drummed for the year.
Through September 30, 2018, we sold 470,000 pounds of U3O8 under term contracts at an average price of approximately $49.39 per pound and 10,000 pounds of U3O8 under a spot sale for $23.75 per pound. We purchased 470,000 pounds at an average cost of $24.42 per pound. The remaining 10,000 pounds were delivered from our produced inventory. We have no more contract sales scheduled in 2018.
No additional new production areas are currently planned for the remainder of the year. Production guidance for Q4 is between 40,000 and 60,000 pounds U3O8 dried and drummed. Full year 2018 guidance, similar to 2017, estimates production of between 250,000 and 300,000 pounds, but our production rate may be adjusted based on operational matters and other indicators in the market.
As at October 24, 2018, our unrestricted cash position was $10.7 million.
About Ur‐Energy
Ur‐Energy is a uranium mining company operating the Lost Creek in‐situ recovery uranium facility in south‐ central Wyoming. We have produced, packaged and shipped more than 2.4 million pounds from Lost Creek since the commencement of operations. Applications are under review by various agencies to incorporate our LC East project area into the Lost Creek permits, and to construct and operate at our Shirley Basin Project. Ur‐Energy is engaged in uranium mining, recovery and processing activities, including the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of uranium mineral properties in the United States. Shares of Ur‐Energy trade on the NYSE American under the symbol “URG” and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “URE.” Ur‐Energy’s corporate office is located in Littleton, Colorado; its registered office is in Ottawa, Ontario. Ur‐Energy’s website is www.ur-energy.com.
Source: Ur‐Energy