Can Japan-France cooperation help open new vistas for fast N-reactors?

Will Japan continue its participation in a French nuclear reactor development project that has an uncertain prospect of being put to practical use? The matter should be thoroughly studied by the government. The French nuclear power authority has announced that the development of a fast reactor called ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration), …

UComps: Uranium Developers’ Stage

EXCLUSIVE TO SIGHTLINE U3O8 –This month’s UComparables edition will focus on the Uranium Developers and the simple metrics of their key project’s stage of development – specifically, resource size, grade and mining method. As stated in the past, it is not our intention to provide analysis or opinion as to the investment potential of these …

Russia Joins China’s Race for Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors

China has agreed to pursue building next-generation nuclear reactors designed by Russia’s Rosatom Corp., the latest player seeking a boost for its new technology from China’s embrace of atomic power. A plan to build four Russian units was among four deals signed Friday during a ceremony in Beijing attended by presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir …

Westinghouse seeks bigger share of nuclear fuel supply

President of Westinghouse Electric Jose Emeterio Gutierrez speaks with the Kyiv Post at the Hilton Kyiv hotel during his recent two-day trip to Ukraine. Photo by Konstantin Chernichkin The global leader in nuclear fuel production, U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric, is so hungry for expanding its business in Ukraine that its president José Emeterio Gutiérrez visits the country …

Brazil’s EletroBras to work with French EDF on nuclear energy capacity

Brazil’s major electric utility will partner with French counterpart EDF on a three-year study of nuclear power capabilities in the South American nation. Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras, known as Eletrobras, signed a memorandum of understanding with EDF to collaborate with the Brazilian utility’s Electronuclear unit. They will work together on resumption of activities at the Angra 3 unit while …