The Akademik Lomonosov power barge on Sept. 6 passed the Sannikov Strait south of the New Siberian Islands and made it into the East Siberian Sea. The floating installation now has only about three days left of its extensive voyage across the Northern Sea Route. According to the Northern Sea Route administration, the installation and its …
Unit 2 of the Taishan nuclear power plant in China’s Guangdong province has entered commercial operation, becoming the second EPR reactor to do so. The milestone was achieved on 7 September, following statutory functional testing of continuous operation at full power for 168 hours, which started on 30 August, EDF said. This step marks the …
Russia’s Rosatom has won a licence to start building the second of four planned nuclear reactors in Akkuyu, Turkey, and is preparing to install the first steel equipment on unit one this autumn, the company’s deputy CEO Kirill Komarov said on Friday. The $20 billion project to build four Russian-design nuclear reactors in Akkuyu on …
Nuclear must be part of a fossil-free future, but the industry first needs to address the cost of constructing new reactors, Magnus Hall, CEO of Swedish utility Vattenfall AB, told delegates attending World Nuclear Association Symposium 2019 in London. Hall – who is also chairman of Eurelectric, the association of European electricity generators – said …
The United Nations, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Energy Council (WEC) are drawing global attention to the inherent qualities of nuclear power as a clean and reliable source of electricity. Now into its seventh decade, nuclear energy is seen by these and other prominent organisations as an existing and proven solution to …
Canadian miner Cameco (CCO.TO) said it will hold down output until uranium prices recover and it could cut production further, although nuclear reactor life extensions in France and newbuilds in China, the UAE and Britain bring some hope. Since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan, Germany and other countries have closed dozens of reactors, which …
A patent application for an accelerator mass spectrometer developed by the China Institute of Atomic Energy, a subsidiary of CNNC, was recently approved in the US and Japan. This is the first time that the China Institute of Atomic Energy has been granted an international patent. The accelerator mass spectrometer is able to accelerate and …
Rapid growth in uranium demand will lead to a need for additional mined uranium in the period to 2040 in all scenarios given in the latest edition of World Nuclear Association’s fuel report. Projections for nuclear generating capacity growth have been revised upwards for the first time in eight years, following the introduction of more …
China, which now has 47 nuclear power plants and 11 more in the pipeline, is moving closer to its ambition to produce 58 Gigawatts (GW) nuclear power by next year. After the operationalisation of 11 more nuclear power units with a capacity of 10.8 GW it will join France to share the second position with …
World Nuclear Association’s projections for nuclear generating capacity growth have been revised upwards for the first time in eight years, following the introduction of more favourable policies in a number of countries. In France, the country’s energy policy has been modified, delaying the planned reduction of nuclear power in the share of its electricity mix and …