Diablo Canyon | PG&E can close nuclear plant, commission says

In a landmark decision, the California Public Utilities Commission has decided PG&E can close Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in 2025 — and San Luis Obispo County still won’t get its much-desired $85 million mitigation settlement to support the community through the shutdown. PG&E will get more than expected for its employee retention and retraining …

Shin Kori-3 reactor operates without shutdown in first year

SEOUL, Jan. 12 (Yonhap) — The state-run Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) said Friday Shin Kori-3, an advanced nuclear reactor designed for exports, has operated without problems since coming online in December 2016. The ARP-1400 reactor in Ulsan, 410 kilometers southeast of Seoul, achieved “one cycle of trouble-free” operation for 389 days, the nuclear …

Nuclear reactor to shut down amid Germany′s atomic phase-out 

One of the reactors at the Grundremmingen plant has been switched off as part of Germany’s plan to scale back nuclear power. The power station was the site of Germany’s first fatal nuclear power plant accident. A southern German nuclear reactor was taken offline on Sunday afternoon after 33 years in operation, the plant confirmed. German …

Kansai Electric to scrap two reactors in latest blow for Japan’s nuclear sector

TOKYO (Reuters) – Kansai Electric Power Co said on Friday it will decommission two 38-year-old reactors at its Ohi nuclear plant as Japan’s electricity industry struggles to cope with new safety standards imposed after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The widely expected announcement brings to 14 the number of reactors being scrapped since the meltdowns at …

Uncertain future for nuclear policy after Japan’s high court ruling

The landmark Hiroshima High Court ruling ordering a suspension of operations at the Ikata nuclear power plant will likely have far-reaching ramifications for Japan’s nuclear energy policy. It zeroed in on an aspect that has long been an issue with the anti-nuclear lobby, the Ehime Prefecture plant’s proximity to an active volcano and the prospect …

Hiroshima High Court orders suspension of Ikata nuclear reactor in Ehime Prefecture, revoking district court ruling

HIROSHIMA – The Hiroshima High Court on Wednesday revoked a lower court decision and ordered the suspension of a nuclear reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Co.’s Ikata power plant in Ehime Prefecture, dealing a blow to the government and utilities that are aiming to bring more reactors back online. The high court suspension order — the …

Screenings for restart of Tomari nuke plant likely to be prolonged

A possible active fault beneath the Tomari nuclear power plant in Hokkaido could prolong the government’s screening process for a restart and deal a major financial blow to Hokkaido Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator. On Dec. 8, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) did not accept the assertion of Hokkaido Electric Power that no active …