Japan’s plutonium glut casts a shadow on renewed nuclear deal

TOKYO — The decision Jan. 16 to automatically extend a nuclear agreement with the U.S. came as a relief to a Japanese government worried about the prospect of renegotiating the basis for a cornerstone of its energy policy. But friction remains over a massive store of plutonium that highlights the problems with the nation’s ambitious …

France’s Macron does not rule out building new nuclear reactors

PARIS, Feb 13 (Reuters) – French President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday he would not rule out France building new nuclear reactors to replacing state-controlled utility EDF’s ageing reactors. “There is no taboo about this subject,” Macron told reporters. Macron said he remained committed to reducing France’s carbon emissions and his promise to close coal-fired …

Slovakia’s Mochovce nuclear power station closer to completion

The completion of the third and fourth units of the nuclear power station in Mochovce in south-central Slovakia is closer to completion. The dominant power producer and operator of the nuclear station in Mochovce, Slovenské Elektrárne, has connected the third unit to the national grid. This connection now serves as the main source of electricity …

China nuclear reactor delayed again on ‘safety concerns’

Fuel loading at the world’s first Westinghouse-designed AP1000 nuclear reactor on China’s east coast has been delayed due to “safety concerns” — the latest in a long line of setbacks for the project. Officials with the U.S.-based Westinghouse had expected fuel loading to start last year, and it would have been followed by around six …

India’s Govt gives approval, financial sanction to build 12 nuclear power reactors

Out of the 12 nuclear reactors, 10 will be indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors and two Light Water Reactors will be established in cooperation with the Russia. The government has accorded administrative approval and financial sanction for construction of 12 nuclear power reactors in the country, Parliament was informed on Wednesday. Out of these, 10 …

Ukraine Cuts Dependence on Russian Nuclear Fuel, Moves Away From Coal

Westinghouse will extend nuclear fuel deliveries to seven of Ukraine’s fifteen nuclear power units to 2021–2025, in line with a contract signed between this firm and Ukraine’s state-owned nuclear power company Energoatom. Deliveries to Ukraine under the new deal are to begin immediately after the current contract expires in 2020. Moreover, fuel components for local …

Westinghouse to hold talks for 6 N-reactors in Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi:US nuclear major Westinghouse, overcoming troubles over bankruptcy and buoyed by takeover by a Canadian consortium, will hold talks this week with the Indian government. It hopes to finally implement an Indo-American agreement for setting up six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh. Westinghouse will limit its role to supply of reactor technology, allowing construction …