A number of European experts have visited Belarus as part of the peer review of results of stress tests of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The peer review final report will be made available to the general public in July 2018, the press service of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry told BelTA. The authorized European experts …
A planned nuclear reactor in western Finland, owned by a Finnish-Russian consortium, will meet its 2024 commissioning target despite delays in licensing, and will not be affected by sanctions on Russia, supplier Rosatom said. The start date of the 1.2 gigawatt (GW) Hanhikivi 1 reactor has been in question since September, when owner Fennovoima said …
On March 19, the Town Assembly in Genkai, where the Genkai Nuclear Power Plants, owned and operated by the Kyushu Electric Power Co., is located, approved a proposal asking the central government to come out clearly in the Strategic Energy Plan in favor of construction of new NPPs. As restarting of the Genkai-3 and -4 …
A court in northern Japan on Monday rejected a lawsuit to halt construction of a nuclear plant, said the company building the facility, Electric Power Development Co (J-Power). The ruling by the Hakodate District Court in Hokkaido prefecture on the Ohma plant will be welcomed by many utilities as they push for a return to …
The IAEA has released its annual edition of the Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP), documenting the status and development of nuclear power programmes worldwide as of the end of 2017. The publication summarizes organizational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programmes, including information about relevant legislative, regulatory and international framework, in 50 countries, including 30 that …
China’s plan to focus on nuclear power will include constructing six to eight new reactors and bringing five reactors online in 2018, the National Energy Administration (NEA) announced last week. With this plan in place, the country will raise its total nuclear-generating capacity by as much as 6 gigawatts. In its Energy Work Guidance Opinion for 2018, …
The head of the Czech Chamber of Commerce has hit out at current prime minister Andrej Babiš for his stance that state dominated utility ČEZ should be able to build new nuclear reactors on its own without any help. Chamber president Vladimír Dlouhý, speaking at an energy conference in Prague, said such a position was …
Atomenergomash — a division of Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM — has shipped out the first batch of equipment for the construction of the turbine for the third unit of India’s Kudankulam nuclear power plan (NPP) on March 13. The company said that two high-pressure heaters of a total requirement of four will be delivered to India …
The Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant, some 22 kilometers from Taipei. The second reactor there that has been on standby for almost two years will soon be brought online again. Photo: Ellery/Wikimedia Taiwan’s atomic-energy authority has decided to forge ahead with its plan to grant permission to the state-owned Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) to restart more …
Kansai Electric Power Co. restarted Wednesday a reactor at its Oi plant on the Sea of Japan coast, located close to two other units already online, amid lingering safety concerns following the Fukushima disaster. It is the first time that multiple nuclear reactors within the same vicinity have been in operation since the crisis at …