Screenings for restart of Tomari nuke plant likely to be prolonged

A possible active fault beneath the Tomari nuclear power plant in Hokkaido could prolong the government’s screening process for a restart and deal a major financial blow to Hokkaido Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator. On Dec. 8, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) did not accept the assertion of Hokkaido Electric Power that no active …

Jordan, U.S. sign deal on building gas-cooled nuclear reactor

AMMAN, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) — Jordan and the United States on Saturday signed a deal on building a gas-cooled nuclear reactor with a total capacity of 76 megawatts. The Jordan Atomic Energy Commission and the U.S.-based company X-energy signed a Memorandum of Understanding to conducts necessary studies for the building of the nuclear reactor, model …

Bangladesh Starts Constructing its First Nuclear Power Plant

With a ceremony held today, Bangladesh started the construction of its first nuclear power plant at Rooppur. The pouring of the first nuclear safety-related concrete for the power plant made Bangladesh the third ‘newcomer’ country to start constructing its first nuclear power reactor in three decades – following the United Arab Emirates in 2012 and …

Kansai Electric, Kyushu Electric delay nuclear plant restarts for Kobe Steel checks

TOKYO (Reuters) – Two Japanese nuclear operators said on Thursday they will delay the restart of nuclear plants to check whether they have received compromised parts from Kobe Steel Ltd (5406.T), which has admitted to widespread fabrication of data on products. The delays widen the impact of the Kobe Steel data fabrication scandal, which has …

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority to require new cooling system for boiling water reactors

Japan’s nuclear watchdog finalized a decision Wednesday to require operators of boiling water reactors — the same type as those at the crisis-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear complex — to install new emergency cooling systems. After soliciting public comments, the Nuclear Regulation Authority approved at a regular meeting the revision of safety regulations to make …